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UCA Final Major Project

Humans and the Forest
Introduction This is my Final Major Project, which has a lot of weight to it. My working titles are ‘The Urban-Natural Relationship’ and ‘Humans and the Forest’, but I’ve chosen Humans and the Forest for the final title. I want to explore the boundaries between artificial and real nature,
Lantern Building
Research Bruce Munro The installation artwork of Bruce Munro is often mesmerising in scale, covering entire fields in glowing reeds (top) or CDs (below) for example (Munro, 2023). The size of his installations means he has to work around, and therefore with, the landscapes they find themselves w…
Wearing the Forest
Research Ghillie Suits Eyes as Big As Plates Images credit: Ikonen and Hjorth (2011)(ongoing) via Dickson (2020) and Marchese (2019) respectively. This series, working with elderly figures, originally sought to find people ‘at home wit h nature’. It has since moved on to consider how society v…
Research ’Treehouses in Paradise’ The book ‘Treehouses in Paradise’ (Greenberg, 2006) covers a competition set up by the author on treehouse design in tropical and (strangely) treeless locations. This gave the applicants, over 100 of which submitted work, total flexibility, including where to pla…
Forest Smells and Branding
Forest Perfume Research Article on Forest Smell Compounds On a previous project I had already started to explore the possibilities in recreating the smell of a typical forest, by purchasing and combining key aromatic compounds with something to disperse them, such as perfume alcohol. The smell o…
End of Week Reviews and Evaluations
Evaluations Week 1 This week I’ve researched a wide range of topics, in line with my timetable. The sketchbook ran over into week 2, which I would like to avoid in future. There is a list of possible leads that I will need to reevaluate next week, to avoid

UCA 3D Pathway

UCA 3D Design 1: Cause and Effect
Assessment Week Task: Goggles Over the assessment and feedback weeks, we were given some tasks preparing for the pathway. We had to watch a few videos of Cause and Effect or Rube Goldberg machines, collect objects we could use to build our own, and finally create a set of perspective-altering
UCA 3D Design 2: Biomimicry
30 Images on Biomimicry – Skin and Bones To start the project, given the theme of biomimicry, we were told to find numerous images of natural scenes, including microscopic images. From these, we could make drawings and ultimately find a path to the final piece for these two weeks. I was
UCA 3D Design 3: ‘Rethink’ Brief
Idea generation Chaucer Road Researching Other Options Chaucer Technology School The Chaucer technology school was one of the most promising alternatives I came across whilst researching abandoned Canterbury spaces. Built before the 2nd World War, the school was closed in 2015 following fallin…
UCA 3D 4: ‘Sensations’ Brief
Day 1 Idea Generation: Building ‘sensorial’ environments from found objects This quick task involved quickly making immersive or generally sensorial objects. I decided to make a weird wearable shelter, using corrugated cardboard and staples. I chose not to follow the work through. Drawings of t…
UCA 3D 5: ‘The Pitch’
Introduction The idea behind this project, from our tutors, was to respond to a brief not with work and the assumption of a contract, but with a pitch. The aim was to simulate competition and working to win a contract. This is the brief as given to us (there were

UCA Carousel:

UCA Week 1: Lens Based, ‘Uncanny’ Brief
(there is no) Introduction please let me know if you think I need one [also let me know what you would change with this article :) ] Artist Research Before taking any images, we were given the task to research three artists with which to start our work. To begin with, I
UCA Week 2: 3D Design, Theme: Organic Design
Reworking a chair As the first project we were instructed to recontextualise a chair from our studio, and given a sheet of images of the work of Pablo Reinoso as inspiration. We were given 90 minutes. We were given corrugated cardboard, and used staplers and masking tape, to create our
UCA Week 3: Fashion and Textiles, ‘Start With a Shirt’ Brief
Remodelling shirts Day 1 involved bringing two old shirts in, and then remodelling them with a range of accessories. I worked with Cieran on the outfits, and took images while he took poses. Outfit variation 1 The first image in each gallery is the first image taken, for reference, the
UCA Week 4: VISCOM, ‘Going Medieval’ Brief
Cathedral visit + sketches and ink drawings The project started with a prompt by the course leader, Jack, visiting Canterbury cathedral to find inspiration for a narrative or starting point. The aim was to sketch, create rubbings or photograph anything that we found interesting. I started by making…
UCA Week 5: Fine Art, ’Metamorphosis’ Brief
Introduction The work I’ve been making has been directly inspired by my own experience, as I’ve tried to weave in elements of my OCD. Shapes on two pages We were told to place object on a page in whatever way we felt made sense, repeating the exercise on