End of Week Reviews and Evaluations
Week 1
This week I’ve researched a wide range of topics, in line with my timetable. The sketchbook ran over into week 2, which I would like to avoid in future. There is a list of possible leads that I will need to reevaluate next week, to avoid going down any rabbit holes.
In terms of experimentation and practical work, this week has been limited to my forest visit. Next week I am keen to explore more physical work, including designing and manufacturing a set of lanterns for tea or LED lights, in partnership with the forest.
Week 2
More research this week, still unable to follow any of Eleanor’s leads, will try to chase again next week. Lantern ideas (wire frame) need development, will work on that next week too.
End of Project Evaluation
I am happy with the range of research undertaken in my project. The books I read proved useful as starting points, and articles on biomimicry, bioluminescence, climate protestors and architecture provided more guides to my final work. I read some scientific research as well as professional blogs and manuals that helped me achieve my projects aims practically.
In future development, I would see myself doing customer research to create specifications for further products. More primary research to explore possibilities, like testing the maximum power achievable from batteries, would also be useful. More library reading would be useful, to access content not available for free online by professionals.
I explored a range of different possibilities for this project, from plastic blown lanterns to CAD designed fabric models. I explored a range of techniques to try new ideas, from laser cutting to machine sewing. Experiments that didn’t match my goals included the plastic blown items to initial ideas for simpler, patterned lanterns, as well as sketched proposals for films.
In future development, I would like to explore a wider range of techniques for creating forms, such as welding to produce functional sculptures or videography for more narrative-based work.
I learnt a range of techniques to develop my ideas further, assisted by additional research as each piece progressed. My skills in CAD have increased significantly to turn basic forms into the full tree-tent design. I’ve learnt the tool Vectornator to create forms compatible with the laser cutter, such as the initial lantern designs, and extensions for, and the basics of, blender, to convert 3D objects into templates in vector format. This included a tool to create paper-craft models for the final lanterns, and a tool for creating fabric patterns from 3D objects, that I used in my first attempt at creating the tent model, and also for simulating other objects that I was considering developing into fabric. I used the online software plushify.net to create the sewing template for my tent.
In the future, I would like to learn the intricacies of complex tools like blender, and develop my skills in the other tools, to create more advanced and better designed outcomes. I would like to attend structured classes to develop my skills in a professional or academic context.
Final Outcomes
I was happy with the final appearance and level of development in my final outcomes. The pieces each developed into a product that matched the branding I created at the end, and didn’t fail to meet my expectations.
In future development, I would enjoy creating a full scale, functional material version of the tent, with edits based on the scale model's virtues and vices. I will create more of the lanterns, and design a custom polymer lighting unit to hold the electronics that are supported by the reused vape batteries. The perfume will be developed with more ingredients and a more accurate and reproducible recipe. The cape will be modified to better hold biological material, and might be produced in a more naturally toned material or dyed to the same effect. All pieces could be developed to be mass-produced, and I will consider creating a marketable and retailed version of the perfume.
Thank you very much for reading. Amen, over and out. Peace and love and joy. For he is the almighty one. For he is the generous one. For he is the merciful one.